One of the old traditions consisted of a cat being put in a barrel and beaten to death as a symbol of man slaying the devil. But you know, they don't do that anymore...haha. Danes now fill the barrel with candy instead.
Even though Fastelavn is technically not this weekend, there were some Fastelavn events this weekend that we went to. I legitimately love Halloween so the fact that Denmark doesn't celebrate Halloween did make me a little disappointed. I mean, when else is it socially acceptable to dress up in costume/crazy makeup? So I was actually kinda of excited for Fastelavn. This year I was a "nerd."
In Danish class, we were treated with Fastelavn pastries. And since we have the Danish vocabulary of a 5 year old, our Danish teacher also taught/forced-us-to-sing the song that children sing on Fastelavn (google translate this shiz):
Fastelavn er mit navn,
boller vil jeg have.
Hvis jeg ingen boller får,
så laver jeg ballade.
Boller op, boller ned,
boller i min mave,
hvis jeg ingen boller får,
så laver jeg ballade.
This week, we have our midterm reviews for Architecture. And next weekend, I'm off to Sweden and Finland for my DIS long study tour! Excited!